In the Facebook world of collecting monies for Syria efforts and humanitarian aid, this beneficial event here called Shave Your Mustache takes the cake! The Revolution in Syria has caused literally thousands of children to become orphans with relatives or friends only to rely on for care. The situation is obviously very dire as most people have no income anymore and can barely eat and live.
A few humanitarian organizations immediately got in the game and set up projects aimed at just helping orphans. A couple of very dedicated organizations with zero overhead - meaning all money collected goes to the aid intended - is Zakat Foundation as well as Syrian Orphans Org. However, as much as they try to get sponsorships and collect, sometimes a little extra effort is what it takes.
A young doctor called Hassan set up a very silly, but as it turned out, very effective campaign on Facebook last week where he offered to shave off his beard as soon as he reached the goal of getting two orphans sponsored. As it turned out, then people loved it and he was able to collect enough to feed and school SEVEN orphans for one year, God Bless him.
Dr. Hassan quickly expanded on the idea and got a few friends with ugly mustaches into the game and now we have a handful of men offering their mustaches as bounty for donations towards helpless Syrian orphans. It is really quite spectacular when you think of it.
In a day and half, then the team and their enthusiasm have been able to collect over $8,000 - can you believe it? That's around 12 orphans and we haven't called it the night yet.
Here are some of the orphaned children you would be helping get some normalcy into their lives:
Helping a kid is not dependent on race or nationality or religion, but on empathy and heart-strings.
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