Monday, November 12, 2012

Rally and Walk - Let's Unite

Saturday is Walk 4 Children of Syria which will take place all around the States and in dozens of countries internationally as well as in some places inside of Syria and in some refugee camps.Walk 4 Children of Syria is coordinated by Syrian American Alliance which in such an effort has ensured everyone walks on the same day in a unified attempt.  It is empowering to be united about something as well as very positive for the sake of creating more awareness about what is going on in Syria in general and in particular what is happening to the children.

Boston also has a rally before the walk. Rallies are a great way to connect with fellow supporters and activists and really get the enthusiasm and blood in the cheeks flowing. If the weather is even remotely as nice as today, then we should have a grand time and even if it gets chilly, then the reality is that Syria's people have no choice, sunshine or not, but to forge forwards in their strive for freedom.

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