The past few days have been quiet and I have felt more like in recovery mode than action mode, unfortunately. It is what it is, though, and what I expected after a super-busy past few weeks with the culmination of last weekend. The art is to propel forward while still in emotional recovery mode in order to not feel placated and too self-satisfied.
We do have a rally and walk for Syria's children coming up next weekend. Rallies are fun and invigorating most of the time. It might be quite chilly, but we'll manage the cold by putting on some extra layers and perhaps sipping on some hot cocoa. We've got it easy here in New England. The mood at our last few rallies have been quite hesitant. When people here in our area began rallying 1 1/2 year ago the mood and spirit were high and people felt by the next rally the regime will have fallen, for sure. That didn't happen. Things got way more complicated or actually more accurately the way of exterminating a nation became more intricate and elaborate and way bloodier than any normal human beings ever expected. I want everyone to know that Syrians inside of Syria are determined to live free or die. They refuse to live like animals and know that Paradise is theirs for the taking at a sooner point than expected for standing up for their basic human right of freedom, but it is their only option. Humanity is the one thing nobody can strip you off, even as they humiliate, rape, and burn you off.
So next weekend Boston will join the voices of Syria and stand shoulder to shoulder as we support the Syrian people's right to live, think and gather freely and with no threat or fear.
We do have a rally and walk for Syria's children coming up next weekend. Rallies are fun and invigorating most of the time. It might be quite chilly, but we'll manage the cold by putting on some extra layers and perhaps sipping on some hot cocoa. We've got it easy here in New England. The mood at our last few rallies have been quite hesitant. When people here in our area began rallying 1 1/2 year ago the mood and spirit were high and people felt by the next rally the regime will have fallen, for sure. That didn't happen. Things got way more complicated or actually more accurately the way of exterminating a nation became more intricate and elaborate and way bloodier than any normal human beings ever expected. I want everyone to know that Syrians inside of Syria are determined to live free or die. They refuse to live like animals and know that Paradise is theirs for the taking at a sooner point than expected for standing up for their basic human right of freedom, but it is their only option. Humanity is the one thing nobody can strip you off, even as they humiliate, rape, and burn you off.
So next weekend Boston will join the voices of Syria and stand shoulder to shoulder as we support the Syrian people's right to live, think and gather freely and with no threat or fear.
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