Saturday, January 5, 2013

One Big Family - Help a Syrian Family with Food and Shelter

Due to the relative success of our collection for financial assistance for a handful of displaced Syrian families a few weeks back, then I have set up a new fundraiser on Facebook You really don't want to miss neither helping nor joining because the urgency is so high. Families are arriving into Turkey with no money and no means. Many of the families have no man and their daughters are being sexually targeted, being volatile and not having secure places to sleep and rest in. I don't really don't want to imagine the details which is why collecting money and getting them shelter - and hopefully some money to spare for food - is my way of surviving mentally while thousands of Syrians are suffering.

These kids here are one of the families being helped by the donations we are getting off Facebook. There are so many caring people out there. Karam Foundation is helping us and Hani is finding the fmailies and supervising their needs.

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